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Shopping Ads on Google

Google Shopping Advertising

With billions searching everyday, Google shopping ads are a great way to increase your reach on Google.

Google Ads Agency Melbourne

What Are

Google Shopping Ads

The Technical Response

Google Shopping Ads are product-based advertisements that appear on Google search results and the Google Shopping tab. They showcase product images, prices, and the business name. They work by utilising data from a merchant’s product feed to match relevant search queries. These ads use Google’s algorithms to target potential customers based on their search intent and shopping behaviour.

The Normal Human Response

Google Shopping Ads are the product ads you see on Google search and the Shopping tab. They show information that is stored on Google from your website and match the search terms you use. These ads help get your products in front of people who are looking to buy, sending them straight to your store.

Case Studies

Using Shopping Ads to grow Cheapest Liquor into a market leader


Cheapest Liquor

Cost per Sale
$ 0
0 K
Campaign Cost
$ 0 k
Shopping Ads Richmond

What is involved in creating Google Shopping Ads?

Google Shopping ads allow you to show your products on Google search results directly to drive traffic to those specific web pages.

Creating Google Shopping Ads involves setting up a detailed product feed in Google Merchant Center with all necessary product information. Next, we create a shopping campaign in Google Ads, setting your budget, bid strategy, and targeting options. Finally, we continuously monitor and optimise your ads by adjusting bids, refining the product feed, and analysing performance data to improve results and drive sales.


Our expert Google Ads Strategy

Why Our Google Ads Strategy Crushes Competitiors

Set up Merchant Centre

Creating Google Shopping Ads involves setting up a detailed product feed in Google Merchant Center, which includes all necessary product information such as titles, descriptions, images, prices, availability, and unique identifiers such as SKUs. This product feed acts as a data source that Google uses to match your products with relevant search queries.

Keyword & In-depth market research

Our Google Ads specialist will dive into market research, competitor evaluation, data analysis and identifying where your business sits in the digital space.

Following in-depth research, we review the keywords with search volume and make sure the ads that we create are highly relevant to your audience and will drive the appropriate traffic to your website.

Continuous Optimisation

Once the ads are live we begin to look at optimising the ads so that the ads budget is being spent optimally and change the creatives where needed.

How Does Google Shopping Ads Help with

Leads and Sales?

Shopping ads allow you to skip the SEO rankings and pay for ads to be shown from Google search results and shopping tab with your products showing directly to your audience. While this does come at a cost you can drive traffic for specific keywords to your website that will drive more sales.


Google Ads Services Melbourne

We Will Give You

Google Ads

We believe that everyone has a right to quality service when it comes to an agency spending your money on ads. So please reach out and talk to us about what would be best for you.

Search Ads Display Ads Shopping Ads Search Ads Display Ads
Search Ads Display Ads Shopping Ads Search Ads Display Ads

Our nice SEO specialists

Our Melbourne SEO Services

On -Page SEO

Blufire generates high quality traffic that actually converts into genuine sales & leads.

This focuses on optimising individual web pages through elements like titles, headin and content to improve search engine rankings. Effective On-Page SEO makes it easier for search engines and users to understand what each page is about.

Off -Page SEO

Blufire generates high quality traffic that actually converts into genuine sales & leads.

This focuses on optimising individual web pages through elements like titles, headin and content to improve search engine rankings. Effective On-Page SEO makes it easier for search engines and users to understand what each page is about.

Technical SEO

Blufire generates high quality traffic that actually converts into genuine sales & leads.

This focuses on optimising individual web pages through elements like titles, headin and content to improve search engine rankings. Effective On-Page SEO makes it easier for search engines and users to understand what each page is about.

Local SEO

Blufire generates high quality traffic that actually converts into genuine sales & leads.

This focuses on optimising individual web pages through elements like titles, headin and content to improve search engine rankings. Effective On-Page SEO makes it easier for search engines and users to understand what each page is about.

International SEO

Blufire generates high quality traffic that actually converts into genuine sales & leads.

This focuses on optimising individual web pages through elements like titles, headin and content to improve search engine rankings. Effective On-Page SEO makes it easier for search engines and users to understand what each page is about.

Words from our Valued Clients

from 21 clients on Google

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